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When everyone is included, everyone wins

DE&I Training & Consultancy

It's time for action. Shall we make a difference together?


Hustle & Heart Consultancy helps organizations to achieve and maintain diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Not only because it is the right thing to do, but also the smartest thing. A wise business decision.

You and your organization want to respond to developments around diversity, equity & inclusion and thus adapt well to the ever-changing environment. How do you approach this in a smart and future-proof way? Hustle & Heart Consultancy offers tailor-made advice, tailored to the situation and needs of your organization.

It all starts with awareness, after this is created it’s time for the next step. It is precisely this concrete translation that Hustle & Heart makes in our workshops, training and coaching programs. Do you want to put your money where your mouth is?

Hustle & Heart Consultancy has been incredible partners for the lululemon collective. Their approach to sensitive issues is always committed to creating a safe space to our teams and driving conversations in a light manner. We are proud of this partnership and how Hustle & Heart helps us to achieve our purpose to elevate the world by realising the full potential within every one of us. They always bring their knowledge, passion, and live into our company’s values of honesty, courage, connection, fun, and inclusion.
Dr. Gus Bussmann

Our Cases

Inclusive AKQA studio

AKQA strives making DEI an integrated, baked-in principle that unites different skills, backgrounds, experiences, thinking, personalities, gender and races around the challenge of “Creating a Better Future”. To achieve their vision AKQA has asked Hustle & Heart Consultancy to facilitate various workshops. With the focus to create awareness, educate and stimulate employee engagement.

We facilitated a DEI Education & Awareness workshop. This workshop is about being aware of diversity in the workplace as well as of the opportunities and challenges associated with it. We also facilitated an Unconscious Bias workshop. During the workshop we worked with unconscious biases in an interactive way. Besides these two workshops we also organised and moderated various Inclusion Dialogues Tables with employees. An intervention in which employees discuss their experience of inclusion within AKQA.

Lift Our Voices


Lululemon Lift Our Voices (LOV) provides a safe space for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) employees to connect, gather and share their stories, struggles & successes.

Hustle & Heart understands the social climate of modern society, and in partnership with Lululemon, we take pride in facilitating monthly online sessions that provide a safe, open environment for members of the lululemon BIPOC community across EMEA to ground themselves, to meet with & commune with their fellow colleagues.

Time to catch up

Field hockey is a beautiful sport. Fair play is of paramount importance. Yet, looking at the position of men and women, it is anything but ‘fair’. Women in hockey don’t receive the same opportunities as men do. ABN AMRO launched the program ‘Time to catch up (De Inhaalslag)’, to change this.

Hustle & Heart Consultancy was hired to do qualitative research to analyze the awareness of this program and to collect insights to improve the content & communication of the program.

Untill we all win


Nike wanted to organize a digital event to have a frank discussion about gender-based violence against womxn and how men can be allies. Gender based violence against women is usually thought of and discussed as a ‘womxn’s issue’; but because the majority of perpetrators are men, the problem is equally, or maybe even more so, a ‘men’s issue’.

Nike hired Hustle & Heart Consultancy to organize a digital event aimed at encouraging the audience to recognize and examine the attitudes, behaviors and situations that allow gender-based violence to happen, and to encourage men to speak up and become part of the solution.