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ThriveTogetHER is an inspiring and empowering community program designed to foster personal growth, facilitate meaningful connections, and provide a sense of belonging for ambitious professional women of all backgrounds and aspirations. In a world where gender equality and empowerment are more important than ever, ThriveTogetHER stands as a beacon of support and encouragement for women to unlock their full potential and achieve their dreams.

Program Highlights

exclusive monthly sessions

exclusive monthly sessions

With Shenin as your mentor you'll explore engaging talks, workshops, and inspiring guests, all focused on career development and personal growth. Gain valuable insights, practical tips, and connect with industry leaders sharing their expertise.

networking opportunities

Networking opportunities

Networking is a vital component of ThriveTogetHER, enabling participants to connect with like-minded individuals and role models. People who can open doors to new opportunities.

access to industry leaders

access to industry leaders

Shenin has a huge international network of successful industry leaders. She will invite them to join, for a fire-side chat. You can learn from their experiences, mistakes and stories.

free access to sisterhood events

free access to sisterhood events

When you join our ThriveTogetherHER program, you will have free, one year access to ALL our Sisterhood events - our Sisterhood brunches, breakfast sessions, drinks and so on. These events are often sold out, however by becoming a member of the ThriveTogether Community, you secure your spot for a whole year.

women empowerment

women empowerment

ThriveTogetHER is dedicated to empowering women to reach their goals, overcome challenges, and pursue their dreams with confidence and determination. It serves as a platform for women to discover their inner strength and capabilities.

community building

community building

The program creates a vibrant and inclusive community where women from diverse walks of life come together to share experiences, insights, and support. It fosters a culture of mutual respect and collaboration.

Spark your dreams, Ignite your future.

Year Program Calendar

The online Sisterhood program will launch in January 2024. You can join the program 

In January for a year or

In January for 4 months or

In May for 4 months or

In September for 4 months 

Guest Speakers

Ariska Mohanpersad

Global Coordinator, Grow Creative at Netflix

Ariska and I met during the Netflix New Voices script contest. As a TVIFilm producer, I was one of the jury members. Objective discovering new talent. We stayed closely connected ever since. Ariska is a strong believer in Sisterhood and a sister herself. She believes in community building, also as a stepping stone for career development. Ariska has a Global role at Netflix and has been with the company for over 6 years.

How community building & sisterhood can help advance your career.

Carmen Seman

Vice President | Global Brand Strategy I Omnichannel Marketing

Carmen and I met at Nike. We both used to work in Retail Brand Marketing. She was responsible for EMEA while I was taking care of Northern Europe. Carmen climbed her way to the top from Director roles to Senior Marketing roles to Vice President of Marketing. What I admire about her journey is that regardless of how others said she should behave or even dress, she stayed true to herself. And that is not easy during a corporate climb.

How to stay authentic while you are climbing the corporate ladder to the top

Ralf Faessler

CEO of 11teamsports group and Strategy and Management Consultant

Ralf was my manager during my last couple of years at Nike as Marketplace Development Director EMEA. But he was more than that. He has been my mentor throughout my corporate career and continues to be my mentor until today. He is a great leader, a human-centric leader who cares about people. I learned a lot from him. Many people at Nike and who have left, will agree with me, that Ralf is one of the best leaders and mentors. He is now CEO of 11teamsports Group and a Strategy and Management Consultant. I couldn’t think of anybody else than Ralf to come and talk about Corporate relationship building to advance your career..

How to build effective sponsor and mentor relationships to help you progress your career

Nicole Brown

Business Development Director Nike x Foot Locker EMEA

Nicole and I were part of a Leadership team. Two black women in the same leadership team, can you imagine that? That doesn’t happen often. Guess who our leader was? Ralf Faessler. Nicole is a great leader herself, but she has a hidden passion. I encouraged her to pursue her dream side hustle, which she now brought to life; called Oualichi Design. Nicole is working on her career portfolio instead of a career path. A career portfolio is a never-ending source of discovery and fulfillment. Whereas a career path tends to be a singular pursuit (climb the ladder in one direction and focus on what is straight ahead. Starting and managing a side hustle is not easy. Nicole will share how she is managing and still thriving in her job.

How to successfully start and manage a side hustle

Dr. Marcia Goddard

Neuroscientist | LinkedIn Top Voice | High Performance Culture Expert | TEDx Speaker | Keynote Speaker | Published Author | Bridging the Gap Between Science & Business

She spoke about “self-care in the workplace” at AmplifyHER event and I was so inspired that I had to ask her to be part of ThriveTogetHer Program. Marcia is an experienced neuroscientist who left academia to focus on building bridges between science and business. She helps organizations all over the world remove barriers to high performance. Her specific areas of expertise within this domain are well-being, DEI, and psychological safety, as these are foundational elements of sustainable high-performance cultures.

Self care in the workplace

Pamela Neferkará

Independent Board Director | Strategic Advisor | Board Governance | eCommerce, Brand and Retail Expert

Pamela, my former manager at Nike, continues to be a guiding force in my professional journey. As a woman (of color), I have always admired her for the way she climbed the corporate ladder and navigated the complexities of corporate life. Her enduring mentorship has been invaluable, and to this day, I find inspiration in her accomplishments. Pamela lives by my mission of opening doors, minds, and hearts to the possibilities of life which is why she makes time to inspire, guide, and mentor others. She is here to make the invisible, visible, especially as a woman of color in a corporate setting.

Getting your financial house in order is critical to career growth

Kobi Ampoma

Head of Talent Acquisition Heineken I D&I Advocate I Mentor I Speaker | Global Advisory Board Member I Brand Ambassador

Kobi exemplifies true sponsorship by consistently opening doors for individuals and providing unwavering support to me as an entrepreneur. Kobi and I both used to work for Nike. However, in 22 years he has worked for many other international companies in FMCG, Retail, Sporting Goods, Fashion, and Technology. Today Kobi is Head of Talent Acquisition HEINEKEN.

Improving your negotiating skills

Chantal van de Boom

Senior Director Nike Direct Digital Marketing EMEA

Chantal and I used to work together in the Nike Women brand team. That was one of the best teams to be a part of, we were with a bunch of strong, passionate women. Chantal is ever ready to lend a hand, she willingly imparts guidance and generously shares her story as a woman who successfully is ascending the corporate ladder. One area that she has identified as important for career progression is Personal Branding and Self-promotion. Over the years, she has become more comfortable with both.

Getting comfortable with self promotion
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250 Monthly
  • 12 Monthly payments
  • Year program
  • Free access to all Sisterhood Events


2700 One-year
  • One time payment
  • Year program
  • Free access to all Sisterhood Events

Check our Terms and Conditions


For Job Seekers

Hunting for a Promotion

For Career Changers

For Professionals

Experience the online Sisterhood Program

If you’re seeking to ignite your future, connect with like-minded individuals, and embark on a journey of personal growth and empowerment, ThriveTogetHER is the program for you. Together, we can spark your dreams and help you advance your career. Join us today and be part of a supportive community that believes in your potential and is dedicated to your success.

Check FAQ 

Hi! We are Team A Cup of Ambition, an all-female speakers Agency and Academy.

We make sure women take the stage with more ease, comfort and speak up. With the result that what we hear or see is a reflection on the society we live in. Our mission? MORE WOMEN ON STAGE.    

We have the honor to represent almost 50 speakers and moderators, including Shenin Lebrun (so proud) They are all very talented and bring a lot of inspiration, a unique story and professionalism to the stage. We are there as the match makers and the booking agency for each speaking gig.  

3 tips to own your next presentation! During our Academy we train ambitious and inspirational women to be a confident speaker on and off stage by bringing a powerful story. We always connect the personal & theoretical stories together to create the uniqueness of the speaker. But there are lots of tips that apply to everyone, we call it ”the basics”. In this message we share three tips, to rock your online presentations. 

  1. Set up for success. Good preparation is half the battle here too. And in this case, we mean the practical preparation. 
  2. Create interaction. A poll, asking for responses in the chat, a small energizer: these are all ways to seek interaction.
  3. Finish strong. If possible end with a call to action of three key take a ways.

Are YOU ready to own the stage? 

Let’s connect. Join the Academy: Together with our experts we’ve incorporated the main ingredients needed to empower more women to step up and own their stage. At work, at home, at parties…anywhere! Let us introduce you Netherlands’ first educational program for female speakers, which we call, the Academy. More info

At Book Your Trainer, we've completed some great programs

The feeling of success among our members translates into a better sense of self. Of course, a cosmetic change affects how you feel. But a healthy self-image has much more influence on how you perform and present yourself in the workplace. If you don’t believe in yourself, how can you convince others to? The rationale behind why you want something and what your ultimate goal is paints an interesting journey for you. I’m here to walk the path together with a backpack full of guidance. It remains your story.

My answer to what a healthy lifestyle can mean for your career describes a comprehensive picture with a start between your ears. A program to change you cosmetically, make you feel fitter, or run faster can be written by multiple trainers for you. There are many good trainers in Amsterdam. I even have a few favorites that I follow. I just don’t believe that starting from the outside in is the right order. Love yourself first. Help yourself. Explore yourself. Heal yourself. Make the necessary changes, make the right decisions, do what suits you, and move in your power because of it.

As a fitness and health professional I focus on changing lives or rather lifestyles through sports and fitness.

The aim is to assist you in becoming the best healthy version of yourself.  Physically and mentally! I practice my work in every location. I believe we can train and get fit anywhere. From the great outdoors to, school gyms and or private corporate office gyms.

3 valuable health tips 
– Stay active. Start by moving a little more each day, once you’ve got that under control. Start training as if a gold medal is on the line. 
– Make the time to rest. Get those 6-8 hours sleep. Power napes help!
– Have balanced and nutritious meals.

I live by the following: 
Always progressing 
Train for today and tomorrow.

The Extra Mile: The workplace of Hustle & Heart Consultancy

At The Extra Mile (TEM), we have created an ecosystem where like-minded entrepreneurs of all walks of life can benefit from the synergy that arises when people go ‘the Extra Mile’ for their community.

We connect the entrepreneurs of today with the stars of tomorrow by working close with Schools and universities. 

It’s the Goal of the founding partners to uplift the SOUTHEAST area of Amsterdam to higher levels by inspiring people to work together and creating the platform for all of this.

Originally a banker, then transitioned to consultancy when I moved to the UAE.

Today in my role as a strategist and consultant, I’ve had the privilege of helping many companies scale into successful global businesses. We take a unique approach, —one that prioritizes inclusive innovation, mindful product development, and sustainable growth. My mission is to guide established and fast-growing companies towards a more holistic perspective on success. 

My three tips for a thriving life:

  • Embrace Your Authenticity
    Your uniqueness is your greatest asset. Don’t shy away from it; let it shine through in everything you do. Authenticity breeds connection and trust, essential ingredients for both personal and professional success.
  • Pursue Your Passion with Purpose
    Identify what sets your soul on fire and pursue it relentlessly. However, don’t lose sight of the bigger picture. Ensure that your passion aligns with a greater purpose—one that brings meaning not only to your life but also to the lives of others.
  • Believe in the Power of Possibility
    Remember, nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it. Cultivate a mindset of optimism and resilience. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation. With determination and perseverance, you can overcome any obstacle on your path to success.

Through one-on-one conversations, masterclasses
and 360-degree feedback

my executive leadership coaching services and focused programs are designed to guide you build your effectiveness as a leader and reach your professional and organizational goals.

The tailormade training- and coaching programs are to strategize and practice behaviors to increase leadership effectiveness and professional satisfaction.

4 relevant leadership lessons for leaders of the future:

  1. Make time for introspection 
  2. Be brave every day
  3. Listening instead of talking
  4. Don’t let anything hold you back

Being a business mentor is different from being a coach.

As a mentor it is important that you can serve your client by providing guidance, experience and wisdom gained by your own experience. The goal is to offer insights into navigating challenges making strategic decisions and developing professionally. 

Each phase of the business comes with challenges and opportunities. It is my job to help my mentee to overcome these challenges and seize the opportunities.

My tips for every business owner

  • Serve wholeheartedly and the money will follow.
  • Add value.
  • Have a strategic plan.
  • Hire a mentor that’s been through every phase. 
  • Anticipate instead of reacting.
  • Know your numbers.
  • Know your why‼️
  • And remember You are the engine and the beating ❤️ of your organization. So, make sure you work on yourself and nourish yourself.

My best 3 Game changers to stay vital and successful are:

  • Kickstart everyday with two glasses of water – hydration is key to keep your energy levels up and flushing out those toxins. First win of the day!
  • Identify your personal ‘energy peak’ moments and structure your day around it, as much as you can, including slow down time and mindful meals.
  • Treat working out and moving your body as two separate activities. Mix them up, play around with what works best for you. All about staying active and feeling great!