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Decoding three generations of representation

Explore Shenin’s 2023 TEDx talk, during the main event of TEDxAmsterdamWomen,  where she delves into three generations of representation and decodes the future. Click the link to watch and discover the power of being what you cannot see:

Elevate Your Career: Mastering Personal Branding for Professional Success

In the competitive landscape of today’s professional world, personal branding has emerged as a potent tool for advancing one’s career. Your personal brand is a reflection of your unique skills, experiences, and values that set you apart in your field. It not only helps you stand out but also positions you as an expert and […]

Addressing the Lack of Women Leaders in Modern Organizations

In an era of progress and gender equality, the underrepresentation of women in leadership positions remains a glaring issue across industries and sectors. The scarcity of women leaders is not only a missed opportunity for organizations to tap into diverse perspectives but also a reflection of systemic barriers that need dismantling. In this blog, we’ll […]

Nurturing Tomorrow’s Leaders: Leadership Development

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, effective leadership is the cornerstone of success. Organizations that invest in leadership development programs create a pool of capable leaders and ensure the longevity and growth of their enterprise. In this blog, we’ll explore the transformative journey of leadership development, its key components, and its profound impact on individuals […]

Boosting Employee Retention in 2023: Unleashing the Power of Positive Workplace Culture

In the rapidly evolving landscape of contemporary business, the retention of talented employees has become a pivotal determinant of organizational success. A positive workplace culture, as emphasized in the Forbes Business Council article “Improving Employee Retention in 2023 With a Positive Workplace Culture,” emerges as a potent catalyst for curtailing turnover rates and nurturing a […]

Elevating Success: The Power of Women in Leadership

In today’s dynamic business landscape, the pivotal role of women in leadership is gaining recognition like never before. From corner offices to executive suites, women are driving positive transformations and reshaping organizations. In this blog, we’ll delve into the myriad benefits of having women in leadership roles, shedding light on their unique contributions and the […]

Breaking Down Barriers: Disparities Faced by People of Color in Advancing Within Organizations

In the pursuit of workplace diversity and inclusion, it is crucial to address the persisting disparities that people of color encounter in advancing within organizations. A comprehensive report titled “Race in the Workplace: The Frontline Experience,” published by McKinsey & Company, sheds light on the challenges and barriers faced by individuals from diverse racial backgrounds. […]

Embracing More Human-Centric Leadership in Today’s World

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, shifting societal norms, and unprecedented global challenges, the traditional paradigms of leadership are being redefined. The command-and-control model is giving way to a more empathetic and people-focused approach known as human-centric leadership. As organizations navigate this evolving landscape, embracing human-centric leadership becomes not just a choice, but […]

Embracing the Full Spectrum: Masculine and Feminine Traits in Women

Throughout history, women have often been expected to conform to traditional feminine traits, while masculine traits were considered more acceptable for men. However, women, like men, possess a diverse range of traits that encompass both masculine and feminine qualities. In this blog, we will explore the importance of embracing the full spectrum of masculine and […]

The Art of Self-Promotion: Unlocking Career Success

In today’s competitive job market, it’s not just enough to be skilled and qualified for your dream job; you also need to be able to promote yourself effectively, in other words, have a great personal brand. Self-promotion is a crucial aspect of career development that often goes overlooked or feels uncomfortable for many professionals. However, […]